Here is what people are saying about the Workshop and Subhan’s “work”:

“I want to thank you and share my story with you, because your class set the ‘seed’ in my mind to change my course. I was taking your class because I desperately wanted a change, a career that had meaning, not just a paycheck. I was working in IT at the time and felt very unconnected with that environment. My passion has always been animals but I had never allowed myself to follow that path. The other day, I picked up the workbook from your class and was looking through the exercises and my responses. What struck me was reading the question “Did/Do I ever have a longing to do something? Or a longing to have a career which I have never pursued?” My answer was, “Yes, be a Veterinarian”. I wanted to let you know that I have just been accepted into The WSU Veterinary Program for this upcoming fall! I have spent the last 2 years taking classes, and volunteering to meet the pre-reqs for the Veterinary Program. I still cannot believe I made it happen. This has been the first time in my life where I let myself have a goal I really wanted and took it step by step, working with my fears along the way. Thank you Subhan for your class, your true intention of compassion and kindness, and the effort you put into helping others find their truth.” Subhan’s Work is amazing. Laura Audette, Seattle, WA

“When I try to describe the impact that Subhan’s workshops have had on my life, the words that come to mind are “life changing.” Finding the Work You Love, Finding the Life You Love and 8 Steps to Peace of Mind contain lessons I find myself applying not only in my career, but in my personal and spiritual life as well. I want to thank him for reaching out to me as an individual student and addressing my personal inquiries.” Nastassja Plaatjies, South Africa (currently living in Seattle, WA)
“I went into Finding the Work You Love hoping to figure out what job I wanted; what I walked away with was a tool set I can apply to every aspect of my life. I’ve learned to identify previously hidden obstacles that I didn’t even know were holding me back, and I’ve learned strategies that assist me in charting my course around or through these obstacles towards a life that I truly find fulfilling. I remember back when I was debating taking this course, just as you might be now. What if it doesn’t help? What if it’s the same stuff I’ve already been reading about? Couldn’t I be making better use of the time and money this will take? I am so glad that my wife talked me into attending, because it’s one of the best choices I’ve ever made.
You have so little to lose and so much to gain by attending Subhan’s workshop. Do something great for yourself and give it a try!” Branden Bean, Seattle, WA.


“How did you get such an awesome job?” I get asked this a lot. I answer, ” I took a course from this great guy Subhan, its called ‘Finding the Work You Love.’ The class was life changing to the extreme awesomeness.” I owned an insurance agency, my darling wife of 30 years died suddenly, my three grown kids were away at school and within the devastation I was trying to figure out what I was supposed to do now, and I knew insurance was not it. I had worked on boats most of my life before jumping into the insurance agency 10 years earlier. Subhan helped me remember my love of working on the water. Now I’m Chief Engineer aboard a luxury adventure yacht in Hawaii and Alaska. I see whales, dolphins, bears, tropical fish, amazing nature and wildlife almost every day, along with getting to know and work with some of our very interesting passengers and crew. Thank you so much Subhan! Life is good when you don’t listen to the critical mind! Tom Muir, Seattle, WA and the Pacific Ocean!


“Attending Subhan Schenker’s workshop ‘Finding the Work You Love’ was one of the best life experiences that I have had to date. I came away from the workshop with a much deeper understanding of just how much I have been my own worst enemy at finding the work that I would truly love and at which I would flourish. Subhan skillfully and lovingly guided the workshop through many innovative and powerful exercises that exposed how the “critical mind” throws up real, and more often than not, imaginary obstacles that sabotage one’s pursuit of personal happiness and fulfilling occupations. Subhan showed with simple, yet very powerful techniques how one can recognize these obstacles for what they truly are and how to circumvent them or eliminate them altogether. The insights gained in this workshop will not only lead to finding the work you love, but to the life you love. Thank you Subhan! I look forward to taking more of your workshops in the future.” Anurag Prapat, Redondo Beach, CA


“I attended this workshop last year and found it to be invaluable. I knew I wanted to change careers but needed a more solid Plan. Subhan challenged me to think about my life and my future in terms of fulfilling my potential. There were many “ah-ha” moments and lots of dreaming and imagination, along with exercises and actionable steps to assist me in my path towards the life of my dreams. I am currently walking this path, no longer just dreaming about it. If you are ready to live a life that you love, I recommend this workshop.” Cathy Steiner, Tacoma, WA


“Subhan, I just wanted to thank you for all you taught me in your class, ‘Finding the Work You Love.’ That class and your facilitation of it were profoundly helpful to me in bringing to the light the things that are most meaningful to me. Being in that class finally gave me the forum to explore my desires without any judgment or criticism, without any rules as to what I could and could not do. I was accepted to graduate school and I will be going back to get a masters in psychology and counseling! I am very excited and feel deep confirmation that this is the path I am supposed to be on. So that’s it. I wanted to let you know and extend my thanks and appreciation for what you are doing.” Joy Holt Hilliker, Seattle, WA.


“Dear Subhan, I’m looking forward to a rewarding year ahead! I’ve been very blessed as I’ve been recently assigned a new role at work, which I’m super excited about! I’m going to be managing our relationships with Camera Dealers, which is going to allow me to immerse myself in Professional Photography, creative professionals and the arts. Unquestionably, I pursued this new direction and career opportunity as a direct result from the inspiration I drew from you and your class. Thank you so much for giving me the courage to be fearless and remain true to my ultimate passion. I am sincerely happy with this new career path and am grateful every day I go to work.” Rick – Software Industry, Seattle, WA.


“Hey Subhan! I just wanted to take the time to once again thank you for your tremendous help and guidance during your class. Thanks to what I learned from you about finding out and pursuing what I really want to do, I was able to enroll at a private university here in Hamburg, Germany. I’m studying sports journalism now and at the end of my studies I will have a wide range of skills such as writing, radio and TV skills and knowledge. So far I’m getting great feedback from my teachers, and I just joined a biography research project as a volunteer to gain more experience; and most important, I am really happy with what I’m doing and I’m eager to learn more every single day. I just wanted to let you know how things are going for me thanks to your class!” Kevin Kaschner, Hamburg, Germany


“I just wanted to update you on my journey. During an exercise in class, somehow it came about that I should get a job or work with the youth organization in which I have volunteered for ten years, one of my ‘passions’. Well, recently, I was asked to be the Local Committee Chair, which I accepted and will soon start. I have patiently worked through the property sale process, and should be finished with that in the next 90 days. So, all the things I discovered, or vocalized during class are happening! Just took some patience on my part and the road appeared. Thank you for the class.” Darcy Niedermeyer, Seattle, WA.


“I had been craving a life change for a while – to quit working for other people and do the things that I enjoy. I had been postponing this because i didn’t feel capable of succeeding, of doing what I love and making a living out of it. Then one day I met someone who had been in the Finding the Work You Love workshop, and what he told me about it resonated with me! Time and money came together, and in two weeks I flew from Mexico City to a weekend to remember! Not only did it give me great insights into the many possibilities of where my abilities could take me, but I also found a new love for myself! Subhan and his wife Shanti created a space for us of unconditional love in which it was only natural to feel at home and safe to open up and just be!
Now, I have finally quit my job and I’m on the journey to doing what makes my heart sing!
You must not miss this workshop! Thank you Subhan & Shanti!” Yvette Neelam de la Rosa, Mexico City, Mexico


“The newest development in my life is that a few months after finishing Subhan’s Finding the Work You Love class, I founded a company called Chima Designs.
The direction and motivation I received in his class was especially important in leading me to make the jump. I thank him for that. Besides that, I still maintain my job, but I hope to make Chima Designs my one and only. I am sure that others in the class are doing wonderful things.”
Udoka Chima, Seattle, WA


“I attended Subhan’s workshop and found it very insightful. Being familiar with Subhan and The World of Meditation, I knew this would not be a run-of-the-mill motivational seminar, which I was not looking for anyway. Subhan and his wife Shanti (who assisted with the workshop) share a lot of personal wisdom, loving care, kindness, and an earnest desire to help people find their true calling. (They have been seekers for several decades, and have also spent several years in India in their spiritual quest.) Subhan has evolved this workshop over several years. He has structured it as a combination of very interesting individual and group exercises. Through these exercises and personal attention in a small group setting, one is gently nudged to probe deeper into their own self to identify their true yearnings. He then follows it up with an exercise to translate ones thoughts and feelings into tangible career or life paths. Two other people from Microsoft had attended this workshop with me. All of us found it to be a very enriching experience, and well worth the time and cost. So, I would recommend this workshop without any hesitation.” Sarabjit Singh, Bellevue, WA.


“ ‘Finding the Work You Love, Finding the Life you Love’ will change your life for the better. It is that simple. Taking this course has improved my life in so many areas it is impossible to explain in a simple blurb. I have found the work and life I love because of this opportunity. I have tried many different and expensive ways to improve my life, and this course is by far is the most affordable, and effective. Subhan is your guide, and he will equip you with the tools of change. You will be the one to change your life for the better though, and it feels fantastic to have your life in your hands and own the tools to maintain and grow in the work and life you love. Go for it!” Kelsey Kelly, Seattle, WA


“Subhan’s work was not just informative, but life affirming and motivating. The processes we practiced really helped me get to a place of clarity and confidence. By the end of the course, I had decided to go back to school, which I had been unclear of for a while. I am also more willing to take some risks and try new things that I hadn’t thought of before in the area of making connections.
I would highly recommend his work for anyone unsure of their choice of work, or what direction they are going in. You will not be disappointed.” Nicole Nicolaisen, Seattle, WA.


“At Subhan’s workshop I promised to myself and the group to resolve my commitments – my house, my mortgage and my marriage – within a year. It has been just about 11 months so far….So let’s see: I no longer have a house, I no longer have a mortgage and I’m no longer married. All major commitments got resolved! And I learned to, if not like then, at least to appreciate my job – which is a major improvement. So I’d say I’m pretty much done! And ahead of schedule =) Thank you for your continued support!” Andrey S., computer professional, Seattle, WA


“I thought the workshop was very helpful for all areas of life not just with one’s career. It helps people step outside of their comfort zone to do some self reflecting and identify the real issue that is keeping them from going after their dreams. I have learned to step outside of my fears….” Vonnetta Ewing, recruiting consultant, Washington, D.C.


“I have gone through an immensely valuable weekend. I have gotten insights that will help me for a lifetime! It is deeper than finding work that I love. I feel like I am truly beginning to understand myself, getting rid of mental blocks I have carried through my life, so I can take a step even if it appears to be risky! I jumped into the workshop and got much more than I expected!” Manoranjan Mishra, Redmond, WA.


“To anyone hesitating about taking this class: I’ve spent the past couple decades of my life searching for a career that best fits me. I’ve read many career books over the years that did very little to help. As most people know, this is frustrating and being in the wrong career is literally detrimental to your health. After running out of options, I decided on a leap of faith and took the “Finding the Work You Love” class. I accomplished more in one weekend with this class than I did in two decades. The instructor, Subhan, combines career discovering strategies that really work with a life-long multidisciplinary experience that most other instructors or career book writers lack. All of the other participants had similar feelings about the class. People spend their money on many things (many that do little for their REAL benefit), but this is one class that will definitely have its return! I highly recommend to anyone the “Finding the Work You Love” class.” Jeremy K., Seattle, WA


“My production company had been moderately successful, but was unfulfilling – we were just a gun for hire, moving from job to job. Many friends had recommended Subhan’s Finding the Work You Love, so it seemed like a good place to explore other options. From the very first day, Subhan challenged the fundamental perceptions that I’ve had about work and play. Although it was challenging, Subhan’s experience and compassion provided us all with a safe environment to explore very difficult and personal subjects. Each exercise and discussion provided new ways of focusing on what is really important in both your career and life. By the time we finished, I’d found the solid career direction that I’ve always wanted, and the courage to move my company in that direction.” Erik Holsinger, Media Production, Phoenix, AZ


I had seen the ad for this class, but I thought “what can this type of class really help or teach me?” After seeing it again though, I decided to take it and see. I didn’t really know what to expect. However, I was pretty certain that I wouldn’t get out of this class with a new job in hands. And although the latter is true, this class opened doors for me, literally, in that I am now starting to explore other possibilities, possibilities I would have never thought about before. But also it opened doors inside of me, doors that lead to places I need to explore more, doors that might lead to new discoveries of myself. I highly recommend this class to anyone who would like to discover their potential. Subhan is there to help and to give you tools that help you to move a bit out of the known-zone into the adventure zone. You never know what awaits you there.” Andre Durudas, Project Coordinator, Seattle WA


“Attending Subhan’s “Finding The Work You Love” seminar was one of the milestones by which I mark significant events in my life. Here’s the deal: after attending Subhan’s seminar the milestones keep appearing more rapidly and that, for me is as good a description to progressing as any I’ve heard – and I love “progress” whether tangible or intangible! I’ve been an employee all my life and with the influence of Subhan’s seminar and the other attendees I gained enough final confidence (or should I say I recognized the confidence that was always there?) to start my own corporation and am loving every minute of my adventure. If you are working to earn a living – I’ve been there, done that and have every tee shirt! Often our “work” defines us and if that is so, then let me be defined by what I am doing and how I am now living after the catalyst of Subhan’s seminar! I’ve offered to pay for my four children to attend! I am a very, very conservative person and urge you to have an open mind and attend Subhan’s course.” Ron Hansen, Edmonds, WA


“Subhan is a breath of Fresh Air to the Teaching Profession ! At once he is caring, understanding …and knowledgeable. Specifically , Subhan conducts a full College Classroom in such a way that students get individual attention and the group gets educated at the same time! My fellow classmates were more supportive of me and the individual progress began to happen before our very eyes! Subhan offers a very creative examination of our lives and our work that really makes for a delightful class on life’s work ! As a former early childhood educator, swim instructor, army medic, and now retired army veteran, I find Subhan to be one of the best teachers and one of the most inspirational people I have ever known in my life!” Mark Jones, Seattle, WA